Chapter 523: Meaty Aroma Airship This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.

Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 523: Meaty Aroma Airship


Merlin’s speed was extraordinary. Everybody was astonished.

The huge worm’s skin was patched up by her until there was only one hole left. Then, she dragged the White Dwarven Artifact Cannon and stuffed it into the hole, firing a shot into the worm.

The huge worm’s body rapidly bloated up. The flesh inside its body was smashed into piles and separated from its skin.

“So violent...... She directly shot the cannon inside its body! The insides have been churned into a mess. Does Ayrin still have his appetite?”

Apart from Ayrin, every sane person could not help but lose their appetite.

However, they immediately knew their concerns were unnecessary. Ayrin shouted towards Merlin, “Merlin, you’re so smart! Why didn’t I think of this method? I don’t have to chop it up if I’d done that!”

Merlin did not slow down at all and changed her arms once in a while. The worm was first bloated up by pumping more air...

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