Chapter 651: Final Clean Up This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.

Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 651: Final Clean Up


The setting sun was about to fall below the horizon. Darkness was descending upon the land. The Master of House Baratheon stood at the top of the Iron Elephant Stronghold and surveyed the territory before his eyes. Self mockery revealed itself in his gaze.

The Iron Elephant Stronghold originally belonged to the Lannister Family. This territory was originally the foundation of House Baratheon and the Lannister Family. House Baratheon and the Lannister Family had fought over this ancestral land for many years.

In order to obtain and protect this territory, they had paid an unimaginable price in the dark.

After the war at the Doa Royal Palace, the Lannister Family had almost completely died out. This ancestral land was finally in House Baratheon’s hands. However, the Master of House Baratheon did not feel proud or excited at all.

Over centuries of conflicts and many powerful...

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