AST 2428 - Great Treasure, Enjoy the Bliss of A Harmonious Harem This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.

Ancient Strengthening Technique

AST 2428 - Great Treasure, Enjoy the Bliss of A Harmonious Harem

Qing Shui shared a room with the two women, but he headed to the Realm of Violet Jade Immortal as soon as he entered the room.

He wanted to check out what were the items he got from the Daoist temple now. The first thing he held was an ancient book. It was very thin with only several pages. It was plain and antique, in light gold color with a faded picture on its cover. The picture was not very clear, but a scene of lofty mountains and flowing water could be seen indistinctly.

There was not a word on the book cover. He flipped to the first page and saw a picture on top. A man was practicing with a spear in the picture. However, when Qing Shui looked closer, it was not really a spear. It was like a fork, or a halberd, or a bat. Most importantly, this move looked very familiar.

Nine Stances of Ancient Divine Battle Technique!


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