Book 2 Chapter 16.1 This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.

Demon Hunter

Book 2 Chapter 16.1 - Growth

Heading north was not necessarily a good idea and was definitely a crazy one. Even though they would temporarily free themselves from these three vultures, they could track them down at any time. The most important thing was that the trap designed to deal with that target worth tens of millions was set up there, so if they headed north, they were taking the initiative to approach the trap. No matter how you looked at it, the strength of the ones that created the trap should surpass that of these three vultures. If the two of them went headfirst towards the trap, it would be hard to predict the result. While leaving a surprise for the enemy, they might be walking straight into the trap themselves. 

If this trap really did exist. 

As they set out for the northern area, this was what Ricardo was thinking about the entire time. The so-called trap’s existence, as well as the target valued at tens of millions were all speculations. All of this arose from Su’s intuition and not anyone’s reliable evidence. The problem laid in the fact that even though Su possessed abilities in the Mysterious Fields, was his intuition a...

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