Book 5 Chapter 2.3 This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.

Demon Hunter

Book 5 Chapter 2.3 - Growth

The biggest difference between biological weapons and Martham laid in their tremendous power, their destructive might. What was similar were the scenes of destruction that followed. There were some among them that could easily destroy entire cities, and there were others that could fight under very extreme environments. There were big ones and small ones, the larger ones with bodies several dozens of meters in size, the activity of these mainly in ocean environments. Meanwhile, the smaller ones were even smaller than ants, but these creatures who could easily drill through concrete and steel actually possessed quite frightening power. In Su’s consciousness, there was even the image of an enormous primitive whalelike creature, one whose size was impossible to measure. Even with Su’s space of imagination, it wasn’t even enough to hold its entire body! Meanwhile, in its background was the deep and distant cosmos,...

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