Book 5 Chapter 22.2 This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.

Demon Hunter

Book 5 Chapter 22.2 - Rest

He slowly turned around, his gaze landing on the only conspicuous building at the center of the Land of Rest, a church that couldn’t be considered too large. This church’s style was unique, entirely pure white, on the stone pillars carved the stars and radiance, but none of the most commonly seen angels or apostles of religious narratives. The church’s style was also unlike any olden era church Su had seen, its style graceful and lighthearted, the color tone bright. This type of building rarely appeared in the northern environment. Many of the small town’s houses already had over a century of history, signifying that they were preserved from the olden era, just renovated a bit. Meanwhile, this church clearly had less than fifty...

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