Book 6 Chapter 13.1 This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.

Demon Hunter

Book 6 Chapter 13.1 - War

Several dozen eggs that were sparkling and translucent like fish eggs landed on the ground, signifying the start of a new stage. The Leigna who had just given birth only rested for a few minutes before withdrawing its dried up body, crawling back onto the feral wolf’s corpse to continue eating.

A small black figure could be seen wriggling about in every single egg. Several minutes later, an ant-sized Leigna larva broke out from the shell. They first ate the egg shells surrounding themselves, and then moved over to the place their parent resided one after another, the feral wolf’s corpse becoming their second delicious flesh meal. This group of little things with great appetites chewed about, eating whatever they...

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