Book 6 Chapter 22.1 This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.

Demon Hunter

Book 6 Chapter 22.1 - Inescapable Silence

The bar had unknowingly when become completely empty, even the elder behind the counter leaving. The lightning and music continued, but they seemed to be getting closer and closer to Persephone. On the counter and the chairs below, there were already seven or eight empty alcohol bottles, the one held in her hands having a large half emptied as well. However, she still felt as if her body was becoming colder and colder, the burning alcohol unable to bring her any warmth either. Her head drooped lower and lower, fatigue and sleepiness surging insuppressible. She really wanted to sleep, to stop thinking about all those distressing things. Before sleeping, she only needed to do one last thing, and that was to pull the trigger, let the flames produced...

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