Book 6 Chapter 32.2 This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.

Demon Hunter

Book 6 Chapter 32.2 - Overture

On the light screen was a black and white sketched portrait, a young man whose entire body was wrapped in cloth strips, on his back a giant sniper rifle even taller than himself as he walked into the distance. Everything around him was the wilderness, full of a desolate feel. There was no road below his feet, yet he still walked towards the distance. The sky was half black, half white, unknown if dawn had just arrived, or if night was about to descend. However, behind the young man was light, while before him was an eternal darkness.

Snow looked at this portrait seriously, her expression extremely, extremely focused. Even though it was hand-drawn, unknown who it was that drew this, the charm of the scene was preserved. Helen was also looking at this picture...

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