Chapter 517: Provocative Fighting Method? This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.

Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 517: Provocative Fighting Method?



The crystal films sealing the white-robed priestess trembled. The dark blue flames inside rapidly dissipated.


An arcane master with fluttering black hair appeared from one of the films and slammed his hands onto the film.

Countless dazzling arcane particles swarmed out from his hands and extended towards the sky along the crystal light film.

Almost immediately, the crystal light film turned black like the deep night sky.

Silver glitters flashed in the darkness like stars.

The arcane energy fluctuations surging like a tide within the crystal light film were forcefully suppressed.

At the same time, Ayrin, whose chest wound was rapidly healing, mumbled to himself, “I’m so dizzy...... but it’s not there yet!”

In the previous battle, he felt his cells almost generating a natural arcane resistance layer.

Many monsters and Dragons would naturally generate...

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