Chapter 203: Are You Really A Doctor? This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.

Fortunately, I Met You

Qin Shiya’s face was cold. “Are you really a doctor?”

“Yes. Do you want to see my license?”

Qin Shiya didn’t know what to think anymore. She could only helplessly repeat what she said earlier. “You’re different from all the other doctors I’ve seen to date. Don’t you know that PTSD patients are easily provoked?”

Cheng Xi responded in a particularly earnest tone. “I’m sorry. I had no intention of provoking you. It was just that your longing for sleeping pills was too strong. I’m sure that if I told you that you couldn’t eat so many pills at once, you’d leave.” She then smiled brightly before continuing on. “As for me, I just wanted to show you that you can still fall asleep even without resorting to using any pills.”

Qin Shiya glared at her and then walked out without saying another word.


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