Chapter 212: Shiver In Fright, You Nobodies! This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.

Fortunately, I Met You

Cheng Xi had only been to Lu Chenzhou’s place once, which was when he’d gotten septicemia and the serious cold that had forced him to spend a whole month in the hospital.

Of course, at that time, the situation had been better because the rest of the Lu family had known the passcode to the front gate. But now, when Cheng Xi entered the passcode that she’d written down in her phone, she found that it had been changed.

Cheng Xi was caught unprepared by this turn of events. 

She looked expectantly towards Lu Chenming.

Lu Chenming quickly shook his head. He didn’t know the passcode either; honestly, this was his first time coming to Lu Chenzhou’s place. “Let me ask my grandmother.”

Cheng Xi didn’t expect her to know either; and as expected, his grandparents also only knew the old passcode. “The last time we came here, we simply walked inside because we thought that he wasn’t there. But to our surprise, he was actually at home. But after that,...

This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.

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