Chapter 229: Recruiting Talent This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.

Fortunately, I Met You

While Cheng Xi was killing time during her layover, she saw the TV news channel report on Cai Yi’s research. As she continued to watch, she saw the scene change to that of Cai Yi sitting behind her office desk where she was being interviewed. She was over sixty by now, and her hair was completely white but combed immaculately. She looked affable, kind, and familiar.

Chen Jiaman, meanwhile, was playing Minecraft on her phone with her head lowered. Despite the chaotic hustle and bustle of the airport, she still picked out Cai Yi’s voice above the ground. She panicked, instinctively tossed her phone to the side, and hid behind Cheng Xi.

Cheng Xi patted her comfortingly, took out a pair of earmuffs from her bag, and put them on her. A couple moments later, after Chen Jiaman quieted down, Cheng Xi picked up her phone and stuffed it into her hands again.

But Chen Jiaman didn’t seem to see it; she was looking around left and right, the shock still on her face. Above her, Cai Yi’s image was giving an eloquent response.

Cheng Xi stopped looking upwards and instead...

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