Book 6 Chapter 11.1 This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.

Demon Hunter

Book 6 Chapter 11.1 - Patience

The first night after Maca City’s master was swapped wasn’t that peaceful. Su only brought in a thousand soldiers, so occupying this city was still quite the strenuous task. Moreover, the number of soldier left behind in Maca City alone exceeded a thousand. During the occupying and takeover process, there was naturally some friction with the occupants with lower status and free residents high above, strength the most commonly used method for settling disputes. However, with the high-end military forces captured in one go, the scattered resistance was powerless to change anything. Just a few assistants were already enough to control the general situation.

Su laid on his back on a large bed that was both three meters long and wide. Through the two meter tall, four...

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