Chapter 146: Surging currents on a dark night (Part 2) This chapter requires karma or a VIP subscription to access.

Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 146: Surging currents on a dark night (Part 2)

“This is the place.” Seeing the short boy from Windsinger Academy tap a tiny depression in the wall, the skinny boy from Abel Academy looked slightly displeased, yet he still nodded. “When the time comes, we only need to break this wall and go through the sewers behind. We'll directly reach the water tower. There are only two guards there usually, and they aren't especially strong either. As long as we act swiftly, this should be a surefire plan.”

“I hope so,” the boy wearing Sea Gale Academy's uniform coldly said. Inside the darkness, his skin seemed to glimmer with faint fluorescence like some deep-sea fishes. “Right now, it's the time of the year with the greatest concentration of elite masters in Eichemalar. Just the teachers...

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